رفيقك في رحلة تطويرك
"CAREER SUMMARY With over 14 years of diversified experience across multinational companies in sales, marketing, and learning & development. My expertise spans the Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and UAE markets. Having delivered more than 500 training sessions (both physical and virtual) to over 6,000 attendees across these regions, I have accumulated more than 900 hours of coaching and career counseling. Additionally, I specialize in creating assessment centers for employee promotions and have developed numerous business cases."
Start your journey from job holder to Career Master
Currently working as a Talent Development professional, Career Development Facilitator and Curriculum Design in one of the biggest organizations worldwide.
مدرب حياة
Life Coaching Certification... TREE Human Resources in Malaysia
مدرب معتمد محترف
Professional Certified Trainer... From American University in Cairo (AUC)
ممارس معتمد لنظام توجيهات الحياة
Certified LIFO Practitioner. ... From Bcon Consultants in Japan
أخصائي معتمد في تطوير القدرات
Certified Professional in Talent Development (CPTD)... From Association of Talent Development (ATD)
معتمد عالميا كمرشد مهني وميسر للتطور- المهني
Global Career Development Facilitator (GCDF)
شخصية الدكتور عمرو كمنتور بالنسبة لي مريحة جدا
جو ودود في المحاضرات ثقة بالنفس أحب أن اكتسبه
حاضر الذهن لكل سؤال ولكل تفاعل جزاه الله عنا كل خير
دكتور عمرو أبدع في هذه الدورة كانت قمة في الروعة من جميع الجوانب. أنصح الجميع بالمشاركة فيها في المرات القادمة لأنها بالتأكيد هتضيف له ككوتش
I highly recommend attending this session. Amr is very genuine and his desire to help and grow the attendees is unquestionable. It was practical and insightful! Thank you a lot!
I liked his sense of humour and the way he delivered the info it was easy to understand and very thorough
50% Complete
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